Dear Parents/Guardian:
It is hard to believe that the school year has almost ended, and summer vacation will soon be here. Your child/children have had an extraordinary and rewarding year exercising and working to their best potential in P.E. class. We encourage them to continue to be physically active during the summer break from the daily school-year routine. Thank you for your help and support.
P.E. was in full swing this year. Many of our classes took on new exciting activities and several classes were introduced and learned the value of pedometers, and how to cup stack. Cup stacking is an exciting individual and team sport where children stack and un-stack twelve specially designed cups in predetermined sequences at lightning speed! Cup stacking promotes hand-eye coordination, ambidexterity, quickness and concentration-skills needed to excel in many activities and sports. When students are cup stacking, they’re using both sides of their bodies and brains to develop skills necessary to dribble and shoot a basketball, throw and catch a baseball, play a musical instrument, type on a computer and more. The climbing wall, jumping rope, running & striking skills, locomotor movements, pathways, learning and playing new games were highlighted this year.
As we know everyone benefits from regular physical activity - babies, children, and adults, the elderly, people with disabilities, and people with serious health conditions. Children need at least 60 minutes and adults need at least 30-60 minutes of daily physical activity a day on five or more days a week to be healthy. So we challenge each of you to make a commitment to become more physically active and to have a FUN-FILLED FIT summer.
Special congratulations to all of our Crozet 5th grade students who will be leaving us heading to middle school. Best of luck!
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